A site about how to increase your traffic

Traffic PillarAfter posting my last month’s traffic statistics, I suddenly remember this informative site that I meant to share last month. The site is called TrafficPillar. It’s a site that informs you everything you need to know about increasing traffic to your website or blog.

For every different ways to promote your traffic, the site will give you the introduction about the service and how to maximize it to generate as much traffic as possible to your site

Let’s take an example of StumbleUpon social bookmarking service.

StumbleUpon as explained by TrafficPillar:

Introduction to StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon is a popular social bookmarking website that allows members to discover fascinating and interesting web pages and sites. StumbleUpon has their own tool bar which you can install on your browser (both for Firefox and Internet Explorer) and channel surf all by clicking on a button.

…and then some tips:

5) Different social bookmarking sites have different sets of crowds. Understanding what they like is a key to your success. Some communities like tech related sites. Others like video and humor. Thank God StumbleUpon’s crowd seems to be a bit more balanced compared to other social bookmarking sites.

This is just an example. There are explanations on Squidoo, Digg, Yahoo Answers and even some names/services that I’ve never even heard of at TrafficPillar.

It doesn’t mean that you need to do them all! Some works for you and some don’t. If it works for my blog, it doesn’t necessarily will work on your site.

Have a browse and feel free to try them all if you are desperate in getting more traffic :D

TrafficPillar’s site

Now, do I hear “Thanks for sharing this, Mike” ?

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