Craving Tech’s traffic statistics summary for July 2011: 109,654 unique visitors and 143,380 page views, compared to June 2011 with 76,954 unique visitors and 104,230 page views.
Traffic details:
- Search Traffic: 81,941 visitors.
- Referral Traffic: 15,666 visitors.
- Direct Traffic: 11,969 visitors.
- Other: 78 visitors.
July 2011 Traffic Sources Breakdown
Why the big jump from 76,000 visitors to 109,000 visitors this month? All thanks to the ClickBump SEO plug-in that I’ve been using at the end of June 2011. The plug-in helped me to optimize my keywords in-posts and brought some rankings to my popular posts on Google SERP (Search Engine Result Page).
The only thing that I want to work on more (as always) is traffic from the social media because most of my traffic comes from the search engines at the moment. I barely have the time to connect and active on the social media (which is an excuse, of course) so I’ve always been looking for an easy quick fix. The fact that Twitter and Facebook are not on my top 10 list says it all..
Money made online in July 2011 breakdown
- Google AdSense: USD 326.06
- Amazon Affiliates: USD 270.94
- ASE AdNet: USD 25.70
- Affiliate Sales: USD 200
- Sponsored Posts (Unruly Media & eBuzzing): USD 178.83
- Private Advertising: USD 35
- TechMediaNetwork CPM banner: USD 88.45
Total money made online in July 2011: $1,124.98
I’ll surely have a better income in August because of a few campaigns that I took from Nuffnang. So stay tuned for next month!
I also want to formally announce that you can now guest post at Craving Tech! That’s right, folks. If you have a love for Craving Tech and its community and want to write a post or two, let me know and make sure you are following the how to write for Craving Tech guidelines. PLEASE NO article marketers who are looking for free SEO optimized link for your clients. I’ll spot that right away and may reject/ignore your email.
I was hesitant for more than a year about allowing guest posters (afraid to upset you all) but I guess this is the right timing. I’ll still control the topics and submissions so Craving Tech will still be the same blog you’ve loved, just having a few more articles. I thought it would be great so you have more stuffs to read when you are checking back on this blog, yet can still enjoy the articles that I’ll still write every day (at least I’ll try to).
Let me know of your opinion about opening Craving Tech for guest posters and also your last month’s stats :)
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