Craving Tech’s traffic statistics summary for February 2011: 96,876 unique visitors and 122,458 page views.
Traffic details:
- Search Engine: 66,223 visitors.
- Referring sites: 20,262 visitors.
- Direct Traffic: 10,364 visitors.
- Other: 27 visitors.
February 2011 Referring Sites breakdown
Money made online in February 2011 breakdown
- Nuffnang: US$600
- Amazon Affiliates: US$420.20
- Google AdSense: US$297
- SocialSpark: US$50
- Unruly Media: US$50
- Private Advertising: US$282.80
Total money made online in Febuary 2011: US$1,731.48
Not a bad month again here at Craving Tech although I have a few banners that aren’t going to be extended this month. Hopefully other opportunities will come by this month. February 2011 has been pretty quiet in the gadget reviews department (at the moment I have no gadgets in my hands to play and review on, which is very rare!) but I’m looking forward for at least a few this month from Creative and Linksys (possibly others too).
Craving Tech’s new logo was finalized last month (you must have heard this a thousand times), business cards are being printed, and there is a new simple banner profile on Craving Tech’s Facebook fan page. Next step is to update my “About” page and also a new “Advertise” page. I wanted to create a nice Twitter background too but so far I haven’t succeeded yet. Might try again some time this month.. or not.
Last month, there have been many new sponsors too for giveaways at Craving Tech. The more participants join a contest/giveaway, the happier sponsors are. Happy sponsors mean more giveaways. More giveaways mean happy readers. Happy sponsors and happy readers mean better Craving Tech. You get the idea. This is why I’ve been encouraging you to subscribe to Craving Tech’s newsletter. Everybody happy.
The iPad and iPod Nano giveaway is still being finalized, sorry to keep you waiting. There is also an upcoming System Mechanic, BitDefender Internet Security 2011, and the Plantronics M100 giveaway in about a week and I’m sure more fun stuffs will come along this month, so keep subscribed!
If you have anything else to suggest to improve this blog even further, please let me know on the comment form. I’m all ears for suggestions and critics!
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