Craving Tech’s traffic statistics summary for November 2011: 138,951 unique visitors and 179,192 page views , compared to October 2011 with 150,636 unique visitors and 194,908 page views.
Traffic details:
- Search Traffic: 123,436 visitors.
- Referral Traffic: 8,885 visitors.
- Direct Traffic: 6,598 visitors.
- Other: 32 visitors.
November 2011 Traffic Sources Breakdown
Total Newsletter subscribers: 287, from 279 on the month before.
Facebook fans: 1679, compared to 1633 on the month before.
The traffic last month was less compared to the month before, why? That was because my account was suspended for 1 1/2 days due to the high CPU usage issue on the web host server (you must have noticed that sharp decline on my analytic screenshot). You can read more details about the issue and the solution on my post about how to optimise WordPress tags.
Daily traffic has been stable, averaging around 5,000 unique visitors here at Craving Tech.
Money made online in November 2011 breakdown
- Google AdSense: USD 415.62
- Amazon Affiliates: USD 372.53
- Affiliate Sales: USD 127
- Nuffnang: USD 875
- TechMedia Network CPM ad: USD 177.71
- Sponsored Posts (Unruly Media, SocialSpark, etc): USD 226.48
- Private advertising (Banners, etc): $180
Total income made online in November 2011: $2,374.34
Last month was definitely the best income I’ve ever had from Craving Tech! Thanks to Nuffnang‘s private advertising banner (CPM based)! And I thought this month (December) will be my best, I guess not anymore, unless if I get an amazing result from Amazon this month as people buying Christmas gifts for their loved ones. I guess what my reader, Chio, said on my October 2011 stat‘s comment comes true (that I’ll get >$2,000 in November :))
So how was your last month? Are you looking forward for December stats?
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