March 2012 Traffic Statistics

March 2012 traffic

Craving Tech’s traffic statistics summary for March 2012: 131,260 visitors and 163,985 page views.

Traffic details:

  • Search Traffic: 110,429 visitors.
  • Referral Traffic: 11,918 visitors.
  • Direct Traffic: 8,811 visitors.
  • Other: 102 visitors.

March 2012 Traffic Sources Breakdown

March 2012 traffic sources

Total Newsletter subscribers: 343, from 330 on the month before.
Total Facebook fans: 2,104, compared to 1,894 on the month before.

The boost on Craving Tech’s Facebook fan happened last week when Justin from Dragon Blogger announced his iPad 3 giveaway, which was sponsored by me and a few others. One of the requirements of the contest is to like Craving Tech’s Facebook fan page. If you are interested in winning the new iPad, make sure that you’ve joined in the contest as well, who knows? You can join using the widget below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

There isn’t much to tell about the traffic, although it seems to increase steadily, yet slowly compared to the previous month.

Products to review seem to make a come back in March as it’s been quiet in January & February. So if you love technology and want to know in great details about new gadgets, keep subscribing to Craving Tech and you will not be disappointed!
Also, I have a few more licenses giveaways coming up, so make sure you come and check back often as well. From now on, I will use the PunchTab widget that I had for the System Mechanic 10.7 and Sonic PDF Creator giveaways. You will be rewarded for referring people to the giveaway post (with points), so people with the best effort win the giveaway, as simple as that.

Looking forward for more interesting stuffs to share with you this month!

About Michael Aulia

Owner of, Michael is a tech enthusiast who blends a love for gadgets with a passion for gaming. With insightful articles and professional reviews, he navigates the digital landscape, offering expertise on consumer electronics and gaming trends.

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