April Fool Jokes 2012 – April Fool has passed (thankfully), so for now we can remove our “don’t believe anything you hear today” cap. I know some bloggers like to joke around and pretend that they were going to stop blogging or whatever, but I guess you’d be happy to see that nothing made it in this blog :) Would also want to confirm that the giveaway winners yesterday were real and it was no April Fool joke.
Here are some of the best April Fool Jokes 2012 that I found yesterday. Feel free to add your findings in the comment section.
April Fool Jokes 2012 – Lynx
I’ve been using Lynx body spray for a few years now and I do hope that this is no April Fool’s joke. With the new Lynx Spay App on your phone, you’ll have access to all of Lynx different products for different ladies at all times!
Check out this video, worth a watch and laugh about:
April Fool Jokes 2012 – Google
I still remember Google’s April Fool jokes back in 2009 (plenty of them) and this year, it’s the Google Maps April Fool Joke comes into play. Browse and explore the map in 8-bit glory!
Just go to Google Maps and choose the “Start Your Quest” option at the bottom left of your screen (assuming Google hasn’t taken it out yet). Oh, there is also a ROM version available for your NES! Woohoo!
April Fool Jokes 2012 – YouTube
Ever wonder how you can watch more YouTube movies while saving your internet bandwidth at the same time? Why not order a whole DVD set of every YouTube video? Isn’t that awesome? You can watch your favorite movies offline and even fill in a comment form with the thumb up/down sticker!
Honestly, this YouTube April Fool Joke made me giggle the hardest among all. Just watch this video:
April Fool Jokes 2012 – SteelSeries
SteelSeries design and manufacture gaming peripherals (check out Craving Tech’s reviews of SteelSeries peripherals over at Gadget Reviews section). They announced a new 8-bit retro design for their “new” gaming peripherals yesterday.
April Fool Jokes 2012 – Razer
Razer has also been one of the most leading gaming peripherals manufacturer. This time, your dream of becoming Arnold schwarzenegger in Terminator can come true, thanks to the Razer SnakeEyes!
If you are having problems trying to be aware of your surroundings, or picking the right conversation topic for different type of personalities, then this product is definitely for you. Coming soon in year 4000.
April Fool Jokes 2012 – Blizzard
Hate it when games are ruining your kids’ social life and make them dumber? Well, no more – thanks to Blizzard, the creator of the upcoming anticipated Diablo III. They have released a new line of videogames designed to educate your kids, named Blizzard Kidzz. Feel free to check the type of games available over at Blizzard Kidzz page.
April Fool Jokes 2012 – Microsoft Kinect
Ok, I changed my mind about the Google YouTube collection being the funniest. THIS is definitely my favorite, lol. Make sure you watch til the end.
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