Here comes my blog’s May 2008 Traffic Statistics:
26,483 visits, 41,436Pageviews
- Referring Sites 12,751 (48.15%)
- Search Engines 11,361 (42.90%)
- Direct Traffic 2,360 (8.91%)
- Other 11 (0.04%)
The referring sites traffic has gone down from 21,367 visits (in April 2008) to 12,751 visits; however, the organic traffic (search engines) was doubled in May, from 5,157 visits to 11,361! This is a good sign to the growth of my blog’s posts. Although I try to maintain one post a day, sometimes I post more if I heard ground breaking tech news! Err okay, sometimes I can’t even maintain one post a day!
*UPDATE* Some Traffic Sources details (as requested by Omar on the comments below):
- Search Engines (11,361 visits)
- Direct Traffic (2,360 visits)
- Referring Sites(127,751 visits) consists of:
- Entrecard (4,662 visits)
- Reddit (3,596 visits )
- StumbleUpon (981 visits)
- Google Images (482 visits)
- BlogCatalog (398 visits)
- (144 visits)
- and the rest…..
My Alexa Ranking is at 163,278 at the moment. It was 200,000-ish I think on the beginning of the month, so yeah, it’s having a good steady kind of increase, too.
As for being the most popular in Technology category of, this blog maintains on the top position throughout the whole month! There’s nothing that I can thank for except for my fellow Entrecarders :) Although Entrecard takes a lot of my time & many people have already left Entrecard, it’s still worth to be active in the community. Entrecard is not about bringing traffic and getting credits, guys, it’s about fellowship!
What else can I tell… I changed my theme to this new Fresh look, a growing number of feed subscribers, and also, I can’t wait for my first Google Adsense’s check that’s being delivered now ^^
My last month’s top 5 posts:
- Are you a judgmental person? Watch this then :) (2,153 views)
- Get FREE Kaspersky Internet Security license key (1,908 views)
- Joke: How to ask your boss for a salary increase (671 views)
- What to do and not to do to your baby (520 views)
- Mozilla Firefox 3 RC1 (508 views)
More exciting stuffs to come!
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