Craving Tech’s traffic statistics summary for March 2010: 47,053 unique visitors and 57,229 page views.
Traffic details:
- Referring sites: 9,355 visitors.
- Search Engine: 32,733 visitors.
- Direct Traffic: 4,830 visitors.
- Other: 135 visitors.
Total money made online in March 2010: $354.11 (best earnings so far)
March 2010 Referring Sites Breakdown
PageRank: 3 (down from 4! Grr) and Alexa Rank of 67,082.
March 2010 Visitor Demographics
Money Made Online in March 2010 Breakdown
- Private advertising: $198
- Google AdSense: $110.70
- ASE Adnet – $33.14
- Amazon Associates – $12.27
Total: $354.11
I got quite a lot of offers and opportunities in private advertising last month, was quite a break through for this blog as I’ve been having problems in trying to find private advertisers. Tried but the competitions were quite fierce and no advertisers contacted me at all for a whole month. I guess I just need to be more active promoting on web forums like Digital Point from now on.
But yeah, this month breaks the best earning record on this blog so far!
March 2010 Post Highlights
- A new web camera technology from Microsoft
- Find out the difference between Plasma, LCD, and an LED TV before buying
- Check out the best 7.1 gaming headphone out there at the moment
- Why becoming a product reviewer is not as easy as you thought – Part 2
- Don’t miss Akinator, a very fun game that will make you shake in disbelief
- Another free online media converter
- A review on Razer Megasoma gaming mouse pad
- Find out how to organize and search your Outlook better with NEO Pro
- Melbourne March 2010 crazy thunderstorm videos and photos
- How to fix Razer Megalodon microphone noise issue
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