If you don’t know it yet, Yahoo Buzz is now open to public!
Yahoo Buzz is basically an equivalent to Digg. You discover a good post (or your always-good post :D) and then submit to share it to the world.
If people like the story, they can vote buzz on the post and spread it even more to other people. So bloggers, you must have been wondering how to put Yahoo Buzz button on your blog easily so that your readers can start submitting your posts on Yahoo Buzz.
Note that you don’t need to register for Yahoo Buzz if you already have a Yahoo account.
There are some ways to get the Yahoo Buzz button submission on your blog:
- Choose on a Yahoo Buzz Submission button (there are some alternatives provided here).
From the page: Important! You must replace the wordARTICLEURL
in the code with the URL of the page you want to submit to Yahoo! Buzz. Now, you must have thought “What? I have to insert the code and change it manually on my every post??”. Not really.If you own a WordPress blog, you can simply replace theARTICLEURL
with: <?php the_permalink(); ?>
It’s a built-in WordPress function to print out the permalink URL of the current post. Simply put the modified Yahoo Buzz button code on your Single Post theme file (single.php)(Many thanks to this post from Entrecard’s blog post)
- Use a third party plug-in/widget.
If you are a WordPress user, there is a plug-in called “Add to Any” that has already included Yahoo Buzz on the bookmark list (I’m using it at the moment). For other platforms such as Blogger, Typepad, etc, you can check it out yourself on Add to Any site.
I don’t how good Yahoo Buzz will be for small bloggers like me (Digg just doesn’t do it), however, it’s worth a try. I’ve already put the Yahoo Buzz button up on my posts and hoping for the best! Will you be putting up yours too?
Note: If you find that this post is useful in helping you to put the Yahoo Buzz on your blog, please consider trying to “Buzz” this post to share it to other fellow bloggers. Cheers and happy blogging!
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