How to migrate from any WordPress SEO plugins to any WordPress SEO Themes like Thesis – Everywhere on the net, I could only find how to migrate All-in-One SEO to Thesis but not on how to migrate Platinum SEO to Thesis (Note: Thesis is a WordPress theme that Craving Tech is using at the moment and it has built-in SEO tools).
After searching on the Thesis theme forum, I’ve finally found a recommended plug-in called SEO Data Transporter. Surprisingly, SEO Data Transporter actually allows you to migrate from many popular SEO plug-ins to many other popular SEO WordPress themes!
SEO Data Transporter
SEO Data Transporter supports migrating from/to:
WordPress Themes
- Builder
- Catalyst
- Frugal
- Genesis
- Headway
- Hybrid
- Thesis
- WooFramework
WordPress SEO plug-ins:
- All in One SEO Pack
- Headspace 2
- Platinum SEO
- SEO Ultimate
- WordPress SEO (I believe this is the SEO plug-in from Yoast)
How to migrate from Platinum SEO to Thesis
Note: This process is pretty much the same if you need to migrate between WordPress SEO plug-ins and themes.
- Backup your WordPress first! I’d recommend using XCloner plug-in
- Search for SEO Data Transporter plug-in, install, and activate.
- Go to Tools – SEO Data Transport in your WordPress Administration to start using SEO Data Transport
- Pick the right migration plug-ins or themes that you want to process. In this case, I picked Platinum SEO to Thesis.
- Click on the “Analyze” button first to confirm that you’ve got the right ones and that the SEO Data Transporter can parse them correctly.
- Run Convert if the SEO Data Transporter can identify the records you are trying to migrate (like the screenshot above)
- Once completed, you can check whether the plug-in has run correctly. For example with the Thesis theme, you should see the values are being migrated across to Thesis SEO Details and Additional Style fields:
That’s it! It’s really easy and so far, no problems being encountered during the process (which only took a split second). In the future, if you decide to move from Thesis to something else, this plug-in should work by following the same steps. SEO Data Transporter makes it easy to migrate from any SEO plug-ins to any SEO WordPress themes!
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