First of all, before anything else, I’m not trying to call you a pig here. Microsoft has let us download Windows XP Service Pack 3 RC2 on their public server and I’d like to hear what you guys think about the service pack, if you have installed it.
If you don’t know that there’s even Windows XP Service Pack 3 coming, then you may want to do some more googling to find out what is to expect in Windows XP Service Pack 3.
Well, since the RC2 was released before, earlier this month to 15,000 private beta testers, is it safe to assume that this release is stable enough?
I currently use Windows Vista at home, so I definitely can’t try this out and let you know about my experience.
I do use Windows XP Service Pack 2 at work, but I’m not going to install a beta service pack on a production machine!! Especially not when I have tight deadlines and can’t just waste my precious time to fix my computer if something goes wrong!
So, any guinea pigs out there and would like to share your experience with us here?
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