Today, Microsoft announced that Microsoft SkyDrive is no more. Wait, I’m not saying that they have discontinued the service and that your files are gone forever. What they do, is changing the brand/name from SkyDrive to OneDrive.
OneDrive IS SkyDrive. The rebrand decision was because it’s easier to remember and to convey the message of having one place to store your stuffs. You know, one place to store your photos, one place to store your documents, or one place to store your videos.
Or so Microsoft said on the website. We know that there was actually a legal battle between Microsoft and BSkyB in regards to the SkyDrive brand. Microsoft lost the battle, so they needed to change the SkyDrive brand to something else. This was what similar to rebranding of “Metro” into “Modern Interface” to describe Windows 8’s new flat interface.
Current users of SkyDrive and SkyDrive Pro need not worry, because all your files and everything else will be carried over to the new service. From the sound of it, we may even see more features coming to OneDrive, but it’s still too early to tell.
If you like, you can head off to OneDrive Preview page and sign up to be notified when OneDrive has gone live. I’m still a lover of Dropbox at the moment, probably because I was on it first. For integration with Microsoft Office applications, however, SkyDrive, err, I mean, One Drive is far more superior.