New Internet Explorer 9 release-IE9 Preview 6

IE9 Preview 6

If you’ve been using the Internet Explorer 9 Beta in your computer, feel free to download the latest release, Preview 6. It’s newer than the Beta that you have and definitely has bug fixes and improvements here and there. According to the IE9 Preview 6 changelog:

Platform Preview 6 introduces two new major HTML5 features along with bug fixes and performance enhancements made since the release of Platform Preview 5 and the Internet Explorer 9 Beta.  The HTML5 features include CSS3 2D Transforms, which provide a simple, declarative way to translate, rotate, and scale elements in two-dimensional space. Platform Preview 6 also now recognizes HTML5 Semantic Elements as object type HTMLElement and provides default styling for them. It also continues to improve the developer experience, with built-in JavaScript formatting in F12 that quickly turns unreadable, minified code into nicely formatted JavaScript for easier debugging.

Download it at Internet Explorer Test drive

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