Facebook is updating its interface again. Oh no, what? Love it or hate it, the new update will be rolling to all Facebook users sooner than you think.
This time, Facebook is targeting the news feed, which is the bare bone of Facebook. As such, this is a really crucial update and whether you love or hate it, will be a matter of life and death.
The news feed area is made wider/bigger, at the expense of iconised menus on the right side, which looks really similar to the mobile version of Facebook. The good side, the news feed area is much bigger now so Facebook can add funkier things to display. The bad side? Well, you have to pretty much guess what each icon is for and more/bigger pictures to show in the news feed area is not always good for the data allowance.
From the looks of the screenshots and their announcement video, the news feed does come into live – that feeling when you have just bought a 29″ TV to replace your 15″. But hey, there’s more. Rather than just making it bigger or wider, again, Facebook can add more to your friends’ status updates.
There is also a separate section to checking your friends’ uploaded photos (similar to running the Facebook Camera app on iOS, I guess), music they listen to, and more. This reduces clutter definitely, which may be welcomed by those who have tons of friends cluttering their news feed. I hope they also separate those annoying game invitations and statuses.
Here is the official video about the new Facebook feed change:
Are you excited? Do I hear a “boooo, not again?”. If you are the excited ones, you can register your interest now over at Facebook’s new News Feed page. Most have not even got the new Facebook Graph Search yet, or the new updated Profile interface.