Own a site or a blog but you don’t know what Entrecard is? Then you have missed a lot :) To get an introduction on what Entrecard is, please read my guide about it here.
To those who know about Entrecard, they have just made a few updates to the system. Entrecard now supports multiple blogs on the same account, its own e-book in PDF format, a clear separator between drops on your drop inbox (what cards dropped when), and other small updates.
Previously, you had to open a new Entrecard account with a new email address. So if you had 10 blogs or more, then enjoy the pain! Or you could use the Gmail “+” feature (example: myemail@gmail.com, myemail+blahblah@gmail.com, myemail+anotherblahblah@gmail.com which point to the same inbox) to register multiple blogs to the same email.
No more! You can now merge your existing accounts into one, or add new blogs to the same account.
Entrecard now also has its own e-book in which you can download from this download link.
You can read the new features in much more detail on Entrecard’s blog.
Meanwhile, don’t forget to say hi to me on Entrecard. You can find me on the Technology section (hopefully I’m still on the first rank or at least one of the most popular tech blogs there)
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