Good news, soldier! (Thanks for a friend, Ben, who let me know about this wonderful news)
Battlefield Heroes Beta has just been re-opened (well, soon). We, beta testers, had so much fun testing Battlefield Heroes last year for a few months. It was closed by the end of last year as the team needed to ramp up some changes and a big push to the development phase.
Just last week, the team has made a post on their official site that the beta is going to be re-opened! And the good news is, if you haven’t had a chance to get a Battlefield Heroes Beta key access, you can register your interest now!
Note that if you already have a beta key (from the previous beta testing), you don’t need to sign up again. If you haven’t got a beta key yet, then you can register for Battlefield Heroes Beta.
Hope you have your EA account ready, because you’re gonna need one to sign up for the beta (don’t worry, registration for an EA account is free too)!
See you in the battlefield in a few weeks time!
What? You’ve never heard of the game before? Then check the video trailer here (or Watch at YouTube):
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