I’m not sure how many of you webmasters and bloggers are thinking to move to a dedicated server, but if you do, I just received words from their newsletter that they have increased around 8.5 TB bandwidth allowance to their dedicated server hosting accounts. In case you don’t know yet, Craving Tech is currently hosted at HostGator and I’m very happy with the performance, support, and service (on a shared hosting account, even).
The latest bandwidth update has updated all dedicated server hosting accounts to 10 TB of bandwidth in total.
HostGator seems to have a few dedicated servers’ options available such as the Basic, Standard, Elite, and Pro (for both running on Linux and on Windows). Although HostGator may not be the cheapest web hosting out there, you cannot grab a good hosting by just paying pennies. I find HostGator is not that expensive compared to most web hosts, yet the level of support and performance are excellent so far (if you’ve been following my blog for a few years, you must have known the period when I got frustrated with my previous web host and then decided to migrate to HostGator).
Anyway, if you ever want to try HostGator out, don’t forget to use Craving Tech’s HostGator coupon code CRAVINGTECH25OFF upon check out to get a 25% off.
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