Craving Tech’s traffic statistics summary for August 2011: 117,001 unique visitors and 149,166 page views, compared to July 2011 with 109,654 unique visitors and 143,380 page views.
Traffic details:
- Search Traffic: 96,984. visitors.
- Referral Traffic: 9,981 visitors.
- Direct Traffic: 9,992 visitors.
- Other: 44 visitors.
August 2011 Traffic Sources Breakdown
Traffic has increased from the search engines, thanks to a couple of articles which made it into the first result in Google SERPs and of course as we have more articles at Craving Tech. I normally tried to write at least 1 article per day but from now you can get 2-3 articles in a day with the guest posters’ help.
I do realize some of the guest postings were not on par with the quality that you have been expecting (and thanks to those who emailed me about it – I really appreciate your feedback). I’ll try to put a harder filter and be more selective. On the other hand, it’s also good to have a variety of articles and give others a chance to to write and thrive :) (sometimes I allowed a few article marketers if the posts were valuable enough to go through, in my opinion). One thing for sure, I’ll still actively write and publish articles of my own, so do not worry as Craving Tech is still in good hands!
Money made online in August 2011 breakdown
- Google AdSense: USD 419.29
- Amazon Affiliates: USD 160.94
- Affiliate Sales: USD 100
- Sponsored Posts (Unruly Media, Nuffnang, etc): $1,209.36
- TechMediaNetwork CPM banner: $96.47
Total money made online in August 2011: $1,986.06
Overall, this is one of the best months for Craving Tech in terms of income. As you may have noticed, I earn more from AdSense too last month. This is because I’ve added a few more ads on this blog, hopefully not too much.
How’s your traffic and income last month?
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