Apple unveiled the latest Apple’s iPhone operating system, iOS 13 this morning. The expected Dark Mode definitely makes it to the release, but unfortunately, there is no interface or design changes whatsoever. Some did hope Apple would make a fresh, modern change to the Home screen – which has been the same for many number of years.
While it’s true that “don’t change what works”, it still is disappointing to see iOS is still..well, iOS.
But I guess the true game changer (if you want to call it that) to some people is the new Dark Mode. It turns everything darker – for good reasons such as easier on your eyes in the dark, while saving battery as well at the same time (if you are using an OLED screen iPhone).
This can be set automatically to enable after sunset too. For me personally, I don’t really care about having the Dark Mode and unsure if I ever want to use it. I’m probably not the type to use my phone with the lights off anyway. But we’ll see. Judging from the claps and people’s responses though, Dark Mode looks like to be a hit.
Faster performance? I never knew that it’s even possible. I mean, iOS 12 is already fast on the iPhone XS Max so I’d never expect it to be much faster. According to Apple, iOS 13 will be much faster compared to iOS 12. For example, Face ID will unlock 30% faster. App downloads will be 50% smaller, app updates will be 60% smaller. These all mean apps will launch twice as fast (as if they are not already fast enough).
Then, there is also an exciting feature that forces app developers to add a “Sign in with Apple” option if they currently have third party sign in (like Facebook or Google). This “Sign in with Apple” is more secure, convenient, and private compared to social accounts login. Apple can even create a random, unique, generated email address (per app) to make sure your primary email address stays private for the purpose of signing in. This is probably the best feature on iOS 13 so far – for those who worry about privacy and security (and there are more updates on iOS 13 to further enforce privacy).
I’m also quite interested with the HomeKit Secure Video where video clips from a security camera is stored on the iCloud, encrypted. It’s free with an iCloud account for a 10-day recording and best thing is that it’s not counted towards your iCloud’s account storage limit. The problem is this will only work with Apple HomeKit supported devices, obviously.
What about the rest? Meh. They are mostly iOS app updates – which I’m still not sure why Apple don’t just separate them from iOS updates. It doesn’t make sense having to wait for a major iOS update every year for them to get updated. Besides, by the time that happens, you’ll most likely have already been using other, better third party apps.
And I still don’t understand why the focus on Animoji and Memoji? Maybe I’m just old? Memoji Stickers are kind of fun still, and this time it’d work with other third party chat apps like Whatsapp and WeChat.
I’m reviewing Android phones every now and then like the Huawei P30 Pro, Samsung Galaxy Note8, and OPPO R15 Pro. I’d love to see the “Always On Display” feature on iOS and the awesome Night Mode (for taking photos). Sadly, they are not in iOS 13.