5 Best Apps for bloggers


Note: This is a guest post written by Rob Clymo

5 Best Apps for bloggers – With so many people now choosing to spend their time blogging, it’s little surprise that getting yourself noticed is becoming increasingly tricky. If you’ve not spent the time getting your blog to look right, or proceed to fill it with lacklustre content, then you could find yourself bottom of the ever growing search pile.

So, in that respect it’s well worth considering a few apps that might help you blog much more successfully. Of course, with so many different apps out there in the marketplace there is much to choose from. What’s more, we’ve all got our own ideas about what’s best and much of that is down to personal requirements.

Nevertheless, our pick of five of the best will certainly get you going in the right direction.

[1] Writechain


Being organised is key to building a successful blog and one app that can help you along the way is Writechain. This is a cool productivity tool that allows you to closely monitor the content you’re producing and keep a record of your writing sessions. It’s also great for keeping you consistent, ensuring that you produce articles on a timely basis and to correct lengths, meaning that the overall look of your blog content will be nicely consistent.

[2] Evernote


Evernote is another handy productivity app that means you’ll never run out of ideas or inspiration thanks to its capacity for collating a  mountain of information from websites that you browse as well as being a main receptacle for ideas, notes and other pre-blog creativity  sessions you like to carry out. This is another sure-fire way to get great looking content that features all of the correct facts and figures when you go live with your comments.

[3] WordPress


As for building pages and adding the aforementioned finely honed content, then many people head towards the blogging tool WordPress, which is of course all well and good. However, another cool tool to use is BlogPress, which allows you to do everything from writing posts to uploading images in a wonderfully straightforward fashion. Think of it as a power tool that’ll really beef up the look and feel of your content.

[4] Adobe Photoshop Express

Adobe Photoshop Express

With so many blogs now benefitting from lots of visual content alongside the quality text, it’s essential to have a decent photo editor to  make your offerings look up to par. Try Adobe Photoshop Express , which is a slimmed down version of the much acclaimed software  package. You get everything needed to ensure images are correctly sized and suitably optimised for the web, all in a neat and easy to learn interface.

[5] ShoZu


Meanwhile, you’ll also want to ensure that you do your bit when it comes to digital marketing, so get your blog content more noticed by  staying on top of how it’s doing in the popularity stakes. Social networking is the way forward in terms of being seen, so try an app like  ShoZu to monitor and upload content to all of your favourite social sites. Them spend some time selecting a stats package that can then return all of the data and figures on the sort of hits your blog posts are getting. Add it all together and you should be on the right track for  success.

What is your best app as a blogger? Feel free to share it in the comment form section below.

Note: This guest post was written by Rob Clymo who writes on behalf of Broadband Genie, the advice website for broadband, mobile internet and smartphone information, including the cheapest iPhone 4 deals


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