Zombify your photo – Ever wonder what you’d look like if you become a Zombie? To celebrate the upcoming release of Left 4 Dead 2 zombie shooter game, you can participate and be a zombie using the “Leave yourself 4 Dead” photo Zombifier!
Even if you don’t know what Left 4 Dead 2 is (or not even playing it), it’s still great fun to see what you’d look like if you become one of the dead. Simply upload your photo and then watch the video of you being whacked by one of the game’s character :) Interested to zombify your photo and even to zombify your video?
Read more to find out how and see a Michael Aulia’s Zombie!
No registration required, just upload your photo, let the tool zombifies you, and watch the video of yourself :D
How to Zombify your photo in 5 Easy Steps
1) Go to Left 4 Dead – Leave Yourself 4 Dead
2) Upload your own photo using the tool:
3) Adjust the photo as instructed
4) Wait for the tool to convert you into a Zombie
5) Enjoy the show!
This is what I look like after the process..
Here is the complete video footage of me participating in Left 4 Dead 2 as a zombie and getting whacked by the baseball bat.
Hey, do yours and share the video link on the comments, will ya? We’ll have a laugh together!
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