Huawei gets a total ban from Google’s Android OS & processors makers have joined in

Huawei P30 Pro Review - Packaging

In a sad and shocking news today, following the order from U.S Trump’s administration, Google has completely banned Huawei devices (which includes the awesome HUAWEI P30 Pro smartphone – check out my review on the P30 Pro) from Google Android OS – which means you will not be able to update to future Android OS (or even any security updates).

What makes it worse, future Huawei devices will not even be able to get Google’s crucial apps on the devices like Gmail, Google Maps, or even the Google Play Store itself. The current devices, thankfully, can still have access to them and get updates like usual.

According to Engadget, it looks like Google Play services and apps will still go through to current HUAWEI devices thankfully, but no Android OS and security updates are a bummer.

But, this is in the U.S right, you ask? The problem is, Google is a U.S company so this means that it will affect ALL HUAWEI phone owners here in Australia too (and around the world).

While HUAWEI is already preparing with its own operating system just in case this would happen, most still want an Android phone (or iOS) on their hands.

To make things worse, later today, major processor makers like Intel, Qualcomm, Xilinx and Broadcom have joined forces too (i.e they will not be supplying hardware components and services to Huawei). If this keeps up, it might be the death of HUAWEI as the components are core for making new HUAWEI devices.

Surely HUAWEI will not stand still for this and we are hoping they will do something to make Trump happy and unlift the ban. But we can only hope and the situation is a bit grim at the moment.

About Michael Aulia

Owner of, Michael is a tech enthusiast who blends a love for gadgets with a passion for gaming. With insightful articles and professional reviews, he navigates the digital landscape, offering expertise on consumer electronics and gaming trends.

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