Blizzard Entertainment has rolled out an exciting midseason update for Overwatch 2 on the 9th of July 2024, bringing a host of new features and collaborations. We’ve had Cowboy Beebop collab before (really like Cassidy and Ashe’s skins that I’ve been using at the moment) and this time, it’s the TRANSFORMERS turn.
If you are a fan of the TRANSFORMERS, these cosmetics are now available to be purchased in-game at the shop. If you’ve been saving your Overwatch 2 in-game Coins, this might be the right time to spend. If not, you can also purchase them with real money.
You can now embody your favourite Cybertronians with hero bundles like Reinhardt as Optimus Prime, Ramattra as Megatron, Bastion as Bumblebee, and Illari as Arcee. Each bundle in the shop includes TRANSFORMERS-inspired cosmetics like highlight intros, victory poses, player icons, and name cards. For die-hard fans, an exclusive mega bundle offers the entire collection.
I’ve been itching for a really good Ramattra skin and looks like the Megatron is a fitting fit for him! And of course, who doesn’t like Optimus Prime? If you are a fan of him and hopefully Reinhardt, the latest Optimus Prime skin is a fitting fit.

I also love Bastion’s Bumblebee design and its highlight intro is pretty cool as it transforms from the car (tank) to his robot form. And of course, as Blizzard has mentioned, these skins simply mean that the Overwatch heroes are cosplaying as the characters so you’ll still see the original property of the heroes.
If you want to find out more about how they got designed and where the ideas came from, you can check out the Blizzard Korea Studio’s Bobby Kim share his piece on the matter.
Mid Season Patches/Updates
I’m not going to list all the patches and updates here, because you can see the full changelog at Overwatch 2’s Patch Notes. Basically, Blizzard is trying to make tanks fun again and I can definitely tell that there aren’t that many players who keen on playing tanks before. I usually queue my game with selecting All Roles and 90% of the time, the game would want me to fill in the Tank role.
While I have no quarrel with playing as a tank (and I’m pretty good at them except for Doomfist and Hammond), I can definitely understand why people are quite reluctant. So in this mid-season update, the tanks are now buffier and most also deal more damage now. I’m not sure whether some will be nerfed again as I saw a clip where Bastion was boosted by Mercy and shot through Baptiste’s Matrix but Mauga just wouldn’t go down. Perhaps it’s intended as you need to be smarter with when you use these combo or to go for that kill. We’ll see.
Don’t forget that we also have more stuff coming before the end of this Season like the “Quick Play Hacked: Choose Your Power” (a limited two-day event starting 15 July introduces pickable passives to Quick Play modes), Reinhardt’s Mythic Weapon Skin (also the first Mythic Weapon Skin in Overwatch 2), and an event called “Mysterious Happenings in Dorado”.