So today, the moments that all console gamers have been waiting for. The overly hyped event, the holy grail of the newest console that would be announced by Sony.
It was the PlayStation 4!
The announcement event was broadcasted live to Japan and the whole world, pretty much. There were about 560,000 concurrent people at one point, watching the live stream online for about 2 hours in total.
The only problem is… no actual PlayStation 4 unit was actually unveiled on that event. No one knows what it looks like, when the PlayStation 4 will be released (apart from “this holiday season”), and how much will it cost.
Presenters after presenters came on stage explaining the new goodies that the PlayStation 4 have and also demoed some cool-looking games, such as WATCH DOGS (I’ve seen a video preview of this game months ago and it’s gorgeous).
CGR Trailers – WATCH DOGS Open-World Gameplay Premiere by CGRtrailers
The PS4 controller did get a revelation, which looked the same as the leaked one, days before, and also some of the Sony PlayStation 4 specifications such as an 8-core chip and 8 GB of RAM.
The Twitter feed was full with anger, frustrations, and sarcasm, but who wouldn’t feel that way? It feels like attending an Apple’s conference where Steve/Tim explains all about the history and successful sales of this and that at the start of the event, but when everyone just wants to see the new iDevice, he stops and thanks everyone for coming.
Here is a glimpse of the Sony PlayStation 4 announcement event from today:
Sony Teases New Playstation, Does Not Reveal by AP-Tech
How excited are you with the upcoming Sony PlayStation 4?