When I played some Nintendo Wii games with its motion controlling system, I often wished what it can be done on the PCs as well (such as the Kinect for XBOX 360). Well, Razer has come up with one! They recently released the Razer Hydra motion sensing controllers, available for the PC and compatible with more than 125 popular games on the PC.
The Razer Hydra is available to be purchased by itself or bundled with Valve’s latest game, Portal 2. The motion sensing controllers, powered by Sixense, combined with the collaboration with Valve brings Portal 2 to a new level of fun and creativity.
Besides Portal 2 (some might not like Portal 2, like myself for example – I’m not into Puzzle games), Razer Hydra is also optimized with lots of PC games out of the box, like Left 4 Dead 2 and Call of Duty: Black Ops. There is future possibility to download more game configurations and the ability to self-configure motion mapping to our specifications – meaning you can play virtually every PC game with the Razer Hydra in the future.
Here are some videos of gameplay with the Razer Hydra:
Now to be honest, I think I’d still prefer a keyboard and a mouse to play my FPS games online. But I haven’t really tried it yet with Razer Hydra so I cannot say it for sure. I’m confident that Razer Hydra will work well on other games though such as Portal 2 and maybe a few others. Nevertheless, it’d be interesting whether the gaming industry will take notice of this product and develop some nice games to go along with the Razer Hydra.
For more info, check on the Razer Hydra’s official product page
RRP: US$139.99
Pre-orders start May 2011.
Ships in June 2011.
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