How to turn off Facebook’s Places new feature

Facebook PlacesAnother possible breach of privacy with Facebook’s new feature called Places. If you haven’t heard, Facebook’s Places is similar like FourSquare where you can tell your friends where you are at the moment by “checking in”. Some love this but others (like me) don’t really like telling the whole world where you are the moment due to privacy issues.

Even though the Places feature is turned off by default, there is one thing that you do not know: if your friend tags you when he/she checks in a place, Facebook allows him/her to do so by default. This means you can be tagged and letting others know where you are without you even know it! Here’s how to turn that “feature” off.

How to disable Facebook Places so friends can’t tag you

  1. Go to Account (on the top right corner) -> Privacy Settings
  2. Click the Customize settings at the bottom of the list.
  3. Find out the line “Include me in People Here Now after I check in” and untick the “Enable” box:
    Turn off Facebook Places
  4. Now your friend can’t tag you when he/she tells the whole world where you are!

Your friend may not mean you harm but there are moments where this can be a breach of your privacy without him/her realizing it. By turning this feature off, your privacy remains secure and you can control when you want to let your Facebook friends know where you are!

Haven’t tried what happens when someone actually tags you to Places with this disabled, but would be good to know.

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