Aranez iPad 2 case is made from Kangaroo leather? Why not?

Aranez iPad 2 case

“Aranez iPad 2 case is a high quality case made from Kangaroo leather” – that’s the promise made by Arnold Aranez, also known as Mr. Gadget (from, a good friend of mine. Apparently, he has made quite a name of himself and this time he launches a new business, branded “Aranez” (his surname) to make high quality leather cases.

The Aranez iPad 2 case made from Kangaroo leather looks really sick (in a good way) from the photo shoots.

Aranez iPad 2 case details

Arnold says that the Kangaroo leather is the best performing leather – strong, durable, and also lightweight. Obviously, this will lead to a controversy (killing these cute hopping creatures for our luxurious taste) but Arnold convinced us that the kangaroos are not killed for making these leather cases:

(It) is a byproduct of strategic harvesting instituted by the Australian government to help control the kangaroo population in Australia, particularly in the states of Queensland, New South Wales, Western Australia and South Australia

The Aranez iPad 2 case (and also for Notebooks) will be available for purchase in United States, Asia, and Europe by late June.


The price is quite premium, retail for US$199.95! Judging from the photos though, I’d say the price fits the premium quality of the leather and the looks.


Lightweight, premium leather, practicality with viewing stand (from the photo above), luxurious, and unique – nothing else can I say about this Aranez iPad 2 case. The case looks a bit thick from the photo but I cannot say anything until I can get a hands on the case and check it out myself. Speaking of that:

A sample is on its way to my hands so if you are looking for a good quality case for your iPad 2, hold on to that wallet and stay tuned to read Craving Tech’s review on the Aranez iPad 2 case!

Update: Check out the Aranez iPad 2 Case review

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