Today is my birthday and when I think about it, this blog is already about 1 year old too. I know I should have knocked up some contests or prizes to celebrate both my birhtday and the 1st anniversary for my blog, but unfortunately, I have nothing exciting at the moment.
However, I’ll give 3 weekly advertising slots for free (UPDATE: they’ve been taken) and also 5 free license keys of Extensions for Windows to celebrate my birthday! (or shouldn’t it be the other way around? I should be getting presents!)
To claim the “prizes”:
To get a week of advertising on my slot, simply click the weekly banner slot on my sidebar (Sponsors area) and I will waive the fees after I approve it, so you don’t need to send the credits/payment. First come first serve!
To get the free license keys of Extensions for Windows, simply check my review post about Extensions for Windows first and only if you’re interested in the product, put a comment on this post and I’ll give the keys to you too. I’ll wait for a couple of days and pick you randomly.
Thanks for being with me this whole year on this blog and surely hope to still see you around!
PS: And if you have great presents for me, I wouldn’t reject them heh heh :)
PPS: Will update with a bday photo or two later
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