Dear readers,
I’ve decided to remove my Top Commentator Widget altogether from this blog. It appears that the plug-in that I used to make it a do-follow on main page only didn’t work really well (Thanks to Deimos to point it out). I was thinking to just hack the original plug-in code to make all the links no follow but I don’t want to mislead people who see the Top Commentator section.
I hope that you’ll still comment on my posts even when there is Top Commentator widget. I still would love to connect with you all and looking forward to see more genuine comments from you.
I’d also appreciate it if you use your name when commenting since I’ve been getting some new spam comments lately that looks genuine but they are not. Comments like these, I usually delete them if I see keywords being used as the name. But don’t worry, as long as it’s obvious that the comments are genuine, I still approve them even if you are using your keywords as the name :)
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