The benefits of outsourcing video game testing

Note: This is a guest post written by Tom Carrington – Video game testing is the process of playing a game to find and report bugs, errors, and other issues. It is an essential part of the game development process, as it helps to ensure that the game is playable and enjoyable for users.

There are two main ways to conduct video game testing: in-house and outsourcing. In-house testing is when the game developers themselves test the game. Outsourcing testing is when the game developers hire a third-party company to test the game.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of outsourcing video game testing. We will explore the following benefits:

  • Access to a wider pool of testers
  • Reduced costs
  • Increased efficiency
  • Improved quality
  • Faster turnaround times

Benefit 1: Access to a wider pool of testers

One of the biggest benefits of outsourcing video game testing is that it gives you access to a wider pool of testers. This is important because different testers will have different experiences and perspectives, which can help you to identify a wider range of bugs and issues.

For example, if you are developing a game for children, you will want to test the game with children to make sure that it is age-appropriate. However, if you only have a small in-house team, you may not have enough children to test the game with. By outsourcing testing, you can access a wider pool of children to test the game with.

Benefit 2: Reduced costs

Another benefit of outsourcing video game testing is that it can help you to reduce costs. This is because outsourcing companies typically have lower overhead costs than in-house testing teams. They also have access to specialized testing tools and equipment that can help them to find bugs and issues more quickly and efficiently.

For example, if you are developing a AAA game, you will need to hire a large team of in-house testers. This can be very expensive, especially if you need to hire testers with specialized skills. By outsourcing testing, you can get the same level of testing for a fraction of the cost.

Benefit 3: Increased efficiency

Outsourcing video game testing can also help you to increase efficiency. This is because outsourcing companies have a lot of experience in testing games. They know the best ways to find bugs and issues, and they have the tools and equipment to do it quickly and efficiently.

For example, if you are developing a game with a tight deadline, you may not have time to test the game in-house. By outsourcing testing, you can get the game tested quickly and efficiently, so that you can meet your deadline.

Benefit 4: Improved quality

Outsourcing video game testing can also help you to improve the quality of your game. This is because outsourcing companies have a lot of experience in finding bugs and issues. They also have a team of experts who can help you to fix the bugs and issues that they find.

For example, if you are developing a game for a competitive market, you need to make sure that your game is as bug-free as possible. By outsourcing testing, you can get your game tested by a team of experts who can help you to find and fix any bugs that are present.

Benefit 5: Faster turnaround times

Finally, outsourcing video game testing can help you to get your game to market faster. This is because outsourcing companies have a lot of experience in testing games. They have the tools and equipment to test games quickly and efficiently, and they have a team of experts who can help you to fix any bugs that are found.

For example, if you are developing a game for a seasonal release, you need to make sure that your game is ready to go on time. By outsourcing testing, you can get your game tested quickly and efficiently, so that you can meet your deadline.

The bottom line

As you can see, there are many benefits to outsourcing video game testing. If you are looking for a way to improve the quality, efficiency, and speed of your game development process, then outsourcing testing is a great option.

Tips for Choosing a Video Game Testing Company

If you are considering outsourcing video game testing, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Make sure the company has experience in testing games in your genre.
  • Ask about the company’s testing process and tools.
  • Get references from other game developers who have used the company.
  • Negotiate a fair price for the services.

By following these tips, you can be sure to find a video game testing company that can help you to improve the quality of your game.

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