3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever – I’m pretty sure most of you guys have heard about Julian Beever and/or at least see some of his 3D chalk pavement drawings on mailing lists and forums. Well if you haven’t, good! Here are some of his amazing 3D chalk drawings, a magnificent sidewalk art (not photoshopped)! These chalk drawings are real and made by that guy alone on the streets (not sure in which country he’s located at – but I would definitely go and see him if he ever made it to come to Australia!).

Oh, don’t forget to Stumble or Share this post if you like the pictures! The first picture below:

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever

More 3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - Fishing

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - water fountain

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - mountain dew

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - Eiffel Tower

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - Butterfly


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3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - prison break

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - small world

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - garden

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - mirror

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - pole

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - bird view

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - nokia city

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - pond

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - ogre

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - shark

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - spoon fed

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - beer

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - hell?

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - Waterfall




3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - chopper

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - rafting

3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever - christmas

Those are the pictures that I can find lying around on the net – wish there are more as I’d love to see more amazing creation by him.

Amazed with the 3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever yet? I am and he is definitely a very talented artist. Even when the chalk drawings are not 3D, they still look great and they still stand out among the other chalk drawings I’ve ever seen. When I first got the 3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever in my email’s inbox, I thought they weren’t real. After I searched around the web for Julian Beever, however, I found that the guy and his chalk drawings are definitely real.

If only someone can record videos of him drawing these and upload them to YouTube, then that would be awesome, wouldn’t it? Which reminds me of how to draw Monalisa with Microsoft Paint. There are just so many talented and crazy artists out there who can do all the things that we cannot imagine!

As always, don’t forget to Like this if you like Julian Beever’s 3D Chalk Drawings and share them to your Facebook friends. If you can find more 3D Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever, let us know!

About Michael Aulia

Owner of CravingTech.com, Michael is a tech enthusiast who blends a love for gadgets with a passion for gaming. With insightful articles and professional reviews, he navigates the digital landscape, offering expertise on consumer electronics and gaming trends.

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