February 2008 Traffic Statistics

Starting from this month, I’m planning to post my blog’s traffic analysis every beginning of the month here. I always love looking at the numbers whenever a blogger posts his/her blog’s stats. Sometimes it amazes me and motivates me. I hope this motivates you too (if you are a new blogger, especially).

I "officially" started blogging in October 2007. I made a rough post about my new PDA phone, the HTC P3600i in September 2007. Surprisingly, the post got 10-20 hits a day from Google. It also appeared on the first place in Google Search Results (it still is when I’m writing this post – with keywords: "p3600i review"). Since then, I started blogging more seriously and took out the commitment. It’s tough, especially since English is not my first language (excuse)

Alright, I better stop my ramblings for now. Here is my last month’s statistics from Google Analytics if you’re interested.

In January, I had 3820 visitors, from:

  • Search Engines 2,854 (74.71%)
  • Referring Sites 798 (20.89%)
  • Direct Traffic 167 (4.37%)
  • Other 1 (0.03%)  <—– does anyone know where does this come from?

In February the figure was almost doubled to 6264 visitors! The breakdowns:

  • Search Engines 3,597 (57.42%)
  • Referring Sites 2,149 (34.31%)
  • Direct Traffic 518 (8.27%)

The top referring sites: 776 Traffic from Entrecard, followed by 617 Traffic from StumbleUpon.

I’d like to give a big appreciation to the Entrecard community, not just for adding some numbers, but also for the great community! I’ve made some new friends in there. Fellow bloggers that help each other out and support one another. It’s like having a second world. Feels virtual, yet real.

But most of all, I’d like to thank those "518" Direct Traffic visits. You are my loyal readers. It is you that motivates me the most. It also gives me pressure, to always find and post contents that interest you. It’s okay. It’s good.

The road is still long, but no matter what happens, as long as I can still blog, I’ll continue on. There’s always something new. There’s always something to share. There’s always something to tell :)  Til next month!

PS: I love constructive criticism. I always want to be a better person. If there is anything that you’d like to share (some feedback), about me, this blog, the writing style, or whatever, please feel free to leave them in the comments here!

About Michael Aulia

Owner of CravingTech.com, Michael is a tech enthusiast who blends a love for gadgets with a passion for gaming. With insightful articles and professional reviews, he navigates the digital landscape, offering expertise on consumer electronics and gaming trends.

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